The MW07 True Wireless Earphones Win The Red Dot Award For Product Design

The MW07 True Wireless Earphones Win The Red Dot Award For Product Design

We are thrilled to announce that Master & Dynamic has won in the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019. The MW07 True Wireless Earphones received the Red Dot, which the renowned jury only awards to products that feature an outstanding design. As the winner of The 2019 Red Dot Award for Product Design with the MW07 True Wireless Earphones – designed by the team’s in-house studio, Master & Dynamic continues to be recognized for world class design.

The Red Dot Award: Product Design is one of the world’s largest design competitions. In 2019, designers and manufacturers from 55 countries entered more than 5,500 products in the competition. The international jury comprises experienced experts from different disciplines and has been convening for more than 60 years in order to select the year’s best designs. During an adjudication process that spans several days, they try out the products, discuss them and ultimately reach a well-founded decision regarding the design quality of the entries. True to the motto “In search of good design and innovation”, their assessment focuses on criteria such as the level of innovation, functionality, formal quality, longevity and ergonomics.

To learn more about the MW07 True Wireless Earphones, click here.

The MW07 True Wireless Earphones win the Red Dot Award for Product Design
The MW07 True Wireless Earphones win the Red Dot Award for Product Design
The MW07 True Wireless Earphones win the Red Dot Award for Product Design
The MW07 True Wireless Earphones win the Red Dot Award for Product Design
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